丹尼斯·凯利 -校园安全主管
Ben Alexander学生中心134室
火博体育官网校园安全部门欢迎您来到新墨西哥初中(火博体育官网)。. 的 火博体育官网 Department of 校园安全 takes an all-inclusive approach to providing preventive 为国家监狱社区提供保护服务. 我们努力提高质量 life on our campus by integrating the best modern practices of public safety, private 为火博体育官网校园提供安全保障和消防安全.
的 Department holds itself to the highest professional standards to make you feel 安全且受欢迎. 我们鼓励您的反馈,以帮助我们的服务随着需求而发展 火博体育官网社区的成员.
We encourage our students, staff, faculty and our visitors to partner with us to sustain 安全的校园环境. 我们很荣幸能与联邦政府, state and local law enforcement agencies, thus benefiting the overall safety of the 火博体育官网社区. 防范校园犯罪的最好办法是保持警惕 包括学生、教师和工作人员的校园社区. 校园部 安全一年365天,一天24小时运行.
It is paramount the Department of 校园安全 creates positive relationships with our 火博体育官网社区 and we are available 24 hours a day to assist your needs and concerns.
学生宿舍的房间仅限学生和他们的客人使用 遵守火博体育官网宿舍探访政策. 大学员工可以进入宿舍 是否在需要的基础上,并纳入关键控制程序.
的 general public can attend and are encouraged to attend continuing education, cultural, and recreational events on campus, with access limited to the facilities 举办活动的场所.
In the event a member of the campus community becomes the victim of a crime, he / 她应按照上述各段的规定报告事件.
Members of the campus community are provided with a Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program Handbook, which contains policies and procedures applicable to alcohol and 药物的使用. 有关该主题的信息也可在火博体育官网学生 手册,并可在网页上访问
〇性侵害 按此报告
College officials will not tolerate sexual assault activities of any type, either by staff or students, and will take any and all steps to support the criminal prosecution 参与这类活动的人员. 然而,如果一个事件 校园性侵犯发生后,应遵循以下程序:
- 立即通知校园安全. 校园安全主管会通知 适当的执法机构. 如果由于任何原因无法联系到校园安全中心, 拨打911,执法人员立即响应. 不要打扰现场 犯罪的原因. 证据非常脆弱,将由训练有素的证据技术人员收集. 性侵犯后不换衣服、淋浴或洗澡. 有价值的证据 可以收集,其完整性必须保持. 校园安全主管 will notify the appropriate members of the 新墨西哥专科学校 administration. 的 administration at 火博体育官网 wants to maintain 安全的校园环境 and is concerned 火博体育校园社区所有成员的福利. 火博体育官网有一个既定的 针对性骚扰的政策涵盖所有员工和学生. 这一政策 可以在员工手册和火博体育官网学生手册中找到吗. 的手册 outline the procedures that students and employees should follow should they become 性侵犯或性骚扰的受害者.
- 的 administration of 火博体育官网 will make every reasonable effort to accommodate a change 在学业或生活安排上,如果受害者要求的话. 原告和 the accused are afforded the opportunity to due process whether the incident is handled 通过法院系统或通过校园行政程序. 两党 是否有权在诉讼过程中有其他人在场. 双方将 通知行政当局的最终决定和实施的制裁.
- Should a member of the college community become a victim of a sexual assault, every resource will be utilized to insure that the victim receives immediate attention, 以及后续的咨询和协助. 在霍布斯看来,咨询是可以接受的 through the Guidance Center of Lea County, 920 West Broadway, (575) 393-3168 and through 约拿健康霍布斯医院,北纬4900号. 洛温顿高速公路,(575)492-5000.
- 看到我们的 这里是资源和政策预防.
火博体育官网有重大事件的应急管理计划. 这个计划是为了 to highlight potential areas of risk or vulnerability to campus personnel and facilities. 的 purpose of the plan is to enable all persons who might be present at 火博体育官网 during 在紧急情况下保持冷静,帮助他们根据已知的事实采取行动. 新 Mexico Junior College has made the commitment to identify potential building and equipment areas at risk, to analyze those risks, to eliminate or minimize these risks, to actively plan and prepare to respond to emergencies by training response teams, and to prepare 恢复紧急情况下的重要服务计划.